When it comes to warehouse lighting, many people primarily consider the cost. However, there are several other aspects that one should consider when considering the best lighting for warehouse spaces. We’ll cover all the bases here:
What Should a Warehouse Lighting System Accomplish?
There are 4 basic functions every lighting system should fulfill for warehouse spaces:
Increase The Productivity of Your Workforce
Poor lighting in warehouse spaces can have negative physical and psychological effects on workers. Lighting that is too dim can result in fatigue and lethargy. Dimly lit warehouse spaces also can place a strain on workers’ eyes and lead to headaches. Conversely, the right kind of lighting can enliven workers and increase their energy.
Increase Worker Safety
Dimly lit warehouse spaces can pose a threat to environmental visibility, which can be a safety issue where heavy equipment is often operated. Low lighting can result in momentary blindness if, say, a tow motor operator is driving in and out of the warehouse. On a sunny day, driving into a dim warehouse can result in the operator temporarily not being able to see anything around them which can lead to unfortunate consequences.
Lower Maintenance Costs
Older lighting technology, such as metal halide or high-pressure sodium, can be slow to ramp up to full illumination, lose their maximum potential rather quickly, burn out faster, and use a lot of electricity. One of the simplest ways maintenance costs can be reduced is by switching over to newer, more energy-efficient lighting such as LED. The older lamps typically used about 400W of energy. An LED would use around 170-210W to produce the same brightness and better quality!
Lower Negative Environmental Impact
In addition to consuming less energy, some modern lighting, such as LED, doesn’t contain mercury vapor. Though more costly upfront, energy consumption and lifespan will offset the initial investment.
Types of Warehouse Lighting Systems
Now that we’re aware of the criteria lighting in warehouse spaces should satisfy, let’s get into the different types of lighting used:
High-Intensity Discharge (HID)
There isn’t much to say in regards to the benefits of these types of bulbs other than that they’re a little cheaper than LEDs and more energy-efficient than halogens. They use a lot of electricity, utilize sodium, metal halide, or mercury, take a long time to ramp up and ramp down, have a strong glare that can lead to eye strain and headaches, have few color temperature options, and don’t work well with lighting controls. Overall, HID bulbs are not your best option.
Fluorescent lights contain mercury as well but they are more energy-efficient than HIDs. They also produce a brighter light due to their wider temperature color range. Another downside to fluorescent bulbs is their tendency to flicker and hum and they don’t work well with dimmers.
Light Emitting Diode (LED)
These are the best of the bunch. They are the most energy-efficient—able to reduce energy costs by up to 75%, last much longer (up to 100,000 hours), and retain the most significant amount of brightness up to end-of-life. They are made up of many individual chips which allow for design flexibility and make them ideal for various applications. They function well in all temperatures, have a broad light spectrum, and can be paired with various lighting controls. They are slightly more expensive but the energy-efficiency and lifespan, along with government and utility rebates and incentives, make LEDs the most attractive and sensible option.
Clearly, you can see the rewards choosing the right lighting for your warehouse spaces can yield. Need help choosing warehouse spaces in the Carolinas or Virginia? Give Schwarz Properties a call at (336) 625-6076 today!